The LM-Light Standard
- Course Structure
- LM-Light Tags
- Starting a Course
- On Each Page
- Exiting a Course
- Starting a Test
- Saving a Test Score
- Course Completion
- Configuration File
Course Development
- Development Environment
- Using a Text Editor
- Including Tests
- Using PowerPoint
- Option 1 - PDF
- Option 2 - GIF/JPG
- Option 3 - HTML
- Using Lectora
- Download Tools
- Diagnosing Problems
Home Page
Course Development : Development Environment
- If you're developing course content:
You don't need anything other than your regular development tools. You can view the HTML files in your browser, and the browser will simply ignore the LM-Light calls that you've included.
- If you want to test the course/LMS interactions:
You need access to either:
- An LMS supporting the LM-Light standard - the LM-Light Reference LMS will do just fine; or
- A server supporting PHP (you can set up your own server, or most commercial hosting companies will set you up with a suitable account for $10 or less per month), plus one of the LM-Light 'Development Stubs' which provide a dummy LM-Light library
You can find the Reference LMS and the Development Stubs on [this page].