LM-Light: A New E-Learning Standard
About LM-Light Courses Learning Management Systems More Info


The LM-Light Standard
 - Course Structure
 - LM-Light Tags
 - Starting a Course
 - On Each Page
 - Exiting a Course
 - Starting a Test
 - Saving a Test Score
 - Course Completion
 - Configuration File

Course Development
 - Development Environment
 - Using a Text Editor
 - Including Tests
 - Using PowerPoint
    - Option 1 - PDF
    - Option 2 - GIF/JPG
    - Option 3 - HTML
 - Using Lectora
 - Download Tools
 - Diagnosing Problems

Home Page

Course Development : Using a Text Editor

In order to show you just how easy developing LM-Light compatible courses can be, here's how to use a text editor such as Wordpad or Notepad to create a 3 page course that bookmarks each page, and that flags course completion to the LMS when the student views the third page.

  1. Start by creating a folder/directory on your local PC.

  2. Within the folder, create a document called index.html. Type in the following content:
    <?php require "LM-Light.php"; ?>
    <?php LMsetBookmark(); ?>
      <title>Page 1</title>
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
    <p><a href="2.html">Go to Page 2</a>
    <p>This is Page 1
    This is the first page. Note that we've highlighted the code that's specific to LM-Light. You can find an explanation of what each of the tags means on [this page].

  3. Within the folder, create a document called 2.html. Type in the following content:
    <?php require "LM-Light.php"; ?>
    <?php LMsetBookmark(); ?>
      <title>Page 2</title>
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
      <a href="index.html">Go Back to Page 1</a> | 
      <a href="3.html">Go to Page 3</a>
    <p>This is Page 2
  4. Within the folder, create a document called 3.html. Type in the following content:
    <?php require "LM-Light.php"; ?>
    <?php LMsetBookmark(); ?>
    <?php LMsetCourseComplete(); ?>
      <title>Page 3</title>
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
    <p><a href="2.html">Go Back to Page 2</a>
    <p>This is Page 3 ... Course Completed
  5. Finally, create a document called config.txt. This contains descriptive information that you want to pass on to the LMS administrator. Type in the following content:
    title: This is the Course Title
    author: My Name
    version: 1.0 - July 27, 2024
    width: 800
    height: 600
    description: This is My First Course!
    You can find out more about the content of the configuration file on [this page].
The course structure should look like this:

The complete folder can be sent to the administrator of a Learning Managment System to be installed for students to access.


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Unless otherwise stated, material in this website is Copyright, Addison Robson LLC. Use of the website content for commercial and non-commercial purposes is permitted under Creative Commons licenses. For more information, please consult [this page] or use [this form] to contact us.
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